A Faceless Person in the Process of Pouring Water into an Ice-Filled Cup Garnished with a Slice of Lemon

Boost Your Metabolism: Secure a Healthy Future with These Lifestyle Changes

Metabolism is a process where nature, aka genetics, gender, and age takes the wheel, but we can give it a leg up through a daily regimen of quality vitamins and specific meals.

What even is the elusive process we call metabolism, and why is it so important?

Metabolism is a term collectively used for all the reactions that burn energy and heat while our body is at rest. Without it, we wouldn’t have a natural way of losing calories, but that’s not even half of it.

The rate of metabolism decides how energetic and upbeat a person will feel throughout their day. While it is indeed different for everyone, the ways to boost and nudge it along appear to be one and the same across the board.

Here’s how the following interventions on our part might rev up metabolism.

Sleep Like a Log

It’s an undisputed fact that sleep deprivation leads to obesity. Your brain is programmed to save energy when it senses an increase in cortisol levels. When you’re overstressed and sleep-deprived, these levels tend to go through the roof.

In addition to getting seven to nine hours of sleep every night, here are some other things you should be doing:

  • Turning off all the lights and drawing the drapes at the same time daily.
  • Going offline 30 minutes before lights out.
  • No nightcaps or caffeine in the late evenings.
  • Keeping the thermostat at a low setting.
  • Muffling all sounds.
A Wide-Eyed Female Lying in Bed and Peeking Over the Covers of a White Quilt

Drink Like You’re in the Sahara

Drinking up to two liters of water daily acts like fuel for your metabolism, helping it chug along and burn calories. However, your body likes everything at a specific temperature, and it will work extra hard if you feed it cold water.

Eat at the Same Time, Every Time

If you’ve ever wondered why you aren’t losing weight despite skipping the odd lunch or breakfast, then this right here is the reason. Your body is a creature of habit; it loves predictability. Therefore, eating your meals around the same time every day could maintain, if not boost, your metabolic rate.

Going on a fast for long hours after a heavy meal is not the way to accomplish this feat. Instead, you should have something to eat—a light meal or snack—every four hours throughout your day. It’ll give your body less to process, thus keeping up your metabolic rate.

Rows Upon Rows of Red Chili Peppers

Take a Chance on Spice

Have you ever noticed how you quit spice-heavy meals faster than regular ones? That’s because they’ve got peppers in them.

What you probably didn’t know was that peppers contain capsaicin, an antioxidant that’s not only responsible for the spice factor in peppers but also makes your brain think it’s had its fill. While this may not sound like much in the short run, adding pepper-heavy meals to your diet does contribute to weight loss in the long run.

Shake Up Your Workout Routine

Low-intensity exercise, such as walking, isn’t half as effective as high-intensity workouts like running, aerobics, and cycling.

Why not find a middle ground? Alternate short bursts of intense workout with a recovery period, preferably involving walking. Switch between sprinting and walking or floating and swimming during your gym time to have an easier time exercising and staying in shape.

A Bespectacled Female with Curly Brown Hair, Grinning While Holding Up a White Mug

Look on the Green Side

Green tea comes highly recommended, and for good reason, too. The leaves boast just the right portion of caffeine and organic vitamins to help bring up your metabolic rate and burn calories.

While the claim is partly shrouded in mystery, we reckon it can’t hurt to swap your cup of joe with green tea right before a morning run. Even if it can’t influence the way your body’s genetically predisposed to metabolizing food, green tea does contain a good number of antioxidants. Thus, it’s certainly a better option when compared to sweet tea or coffee.

No Eating Before Bed

Going on walks right after meals is a habit hardwired in the best of us. While we see it as a way of digesting food, our body sees it as a chance to burn energy before we return to rest mode.

This is precisely why late-night snacks are frowned upon. You can have a granola bar, and your body will still struggle to burn it off if you go back to bed after the fact. So, unless you want to conserve energy, don’t bring edibles anywhere near your sleep cycle.

A Striped Fruit Bowl Containing Bananas, Apples, and Oranges

Stock Up on Natural Organic Vitamins

Like all of the above lifestyle changes, the vitamins you get from your meals and premium nutritional supplements are not a quick fix against the natural programming of your body. However, they can ensure your metabolic rate stays up and at its natural best.

For instance, vitamin B12 helps you process fats, proteins, and carbs and convert them into energy.

On the other hand, vitamin D is essential for a healthy immune system, but its deficiency has also been noted in people with an unhealthy relationship with food. To not follow by example, you must replenish your vitamin D reserves through super multivitamins.

Shop Nutritional Supplements Online Only at NAH!

If you’re working from home, chances are you’re deprived of the best source of organic vitamins: the sun.

With the help of NAH!, you can order quality vitamins online for adults and minors. Our top-rated organics include Liquid Vitamin C, Liquid Zinc Complex, Liquid Children’s Super Multivitamins & Minerals, and Liquid B12 Energy.

Contact our online organic vitamins store for questions, suggestions, and comments.

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